RISE vol 9: Research Self-Efficacy of Cambodian Undergraduate Students at Province-Based Universities

This work is led by Cheyvuth Seng, former dean at the National University of Battambang who completed his doctoral studies at the Cross Lab.

Result Summary

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Title: Research Self-Efficacy of Cambodian Undergraduate Students at Province-Based Universities
Authors: Cheyvuth Seng, May Kristine Jonson Carlon, Jeffrey S. Cross
Specifics: Volume 9, Number 2, June 25, 2020, pages 155 to 190, Hipatia Press
DOI: 10.17583/rise.2020.4267 (open access)


Self-efficacy is crucial for producing challenging research results, which in turn may lead to innovations and development that can accelerate a  country's economy. Undergraduate research self-efficacy in  Cambodia has been of particular interest because graduates form the future pipeline of research professionals,  which is essential for the development of  Cambodia.  The research self-efficacy of province-based university students,  whose numbers have increased in recent years,  remains uncertain and needs to be investigated. In this study, we addressed the Research Self-Efficacy   Survey by   Phillips and   Russell   (1994)   and administered it to   1,009 undergraduate students from different faculties at three public province-based universities in Cambodia in order to assess their research self-efficacy. Using t-tests and  ANOVA,  the mean research self-efficacy score was  2.13  (±  .66)  on a  5  point-scale and varied significantly with a small effect size upon gender, academic year, and working experience. There is a need to focus on interventions aimed at improving the research self-efficacy of undergraduate students.  This investigation also included measures and discussions such as curriculum reform,  quality of teaching,  teacher training, and improving educational materials and research facilities.
