
 I am a software engineer by profession, hence one of my strong points as a researcher is being able to develop new and use existing technologies not just for my research but for other support roles as well. I personally built the software used for my doctoral dissertation, from requirements analysis to coding to deployment and everything in between. I also set up the fileserver with NextCloud and the wiki with BookStack being used in the lab.

Personalized Online Adaptive Learning System's Configuration

On my day-to-day job, I use Java as the main programming language. I used the Django framework for POALS. I also use Python for most of my modeling work. For data analysis, my go-to language is R. For interface design, I used to work with Balsamiq but now considering using Figma for "accessibility" (read: free!). As I start working on virtual reality research, I am building skills using A-Frame and Blender.
While it is not necessary for those working with me to tech, those who are interested in building tech skills might find it interesting how we gain tech skills while conducting research.

Please feel free to reach out to me through the Contact Me gadget on this blog's sidebar.
